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Weekly digest of relevant papers on Multiple Sclerosis

Every tuesday, and email with the latest research filtered by Machine Learning and human review.

Source for the author data

Authors are discovered based on the ongoing search for new papers around Multiple Sclerosis. We collect author information from ORCID, and identify the country based on the information they have made available on their profile.

At the moment (August 2023) we are not taking into account the author’s afiliation with an institution.

We try to match the article to the corresponding ORCID numbers, this may fail for a number of reasons.

  1. The article may not contain a list of ORCID numbers for us to index. In this case we try to match their given name and family name to existing ORCID records we have.
  2. The authors may not be registered on ORCID, in which case we add their name to our records but can’t get data about their country.
This is an independent project that runs on the good will of volunteers

You can help by spreading the word or by making a donation to pay for the server costs.